NUGGETS - 220517


When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: You Haven’t. 
- Thomas A Edison

Get excited about your ability to do what is necessary...

Do not stop at what you have… Strive for more. 
- Tayo Ojo

St. Augustine said in 399 A.D. (and I paraphrase with this):

Man travels hundreds of miles to gaze at the broad expanse of the ocean. He looks in awe at the heavens above. He stares in wonderment at the fields, the mountains, the rivers and the streams. And then he passes himself by without a thought — God's most amazing creation

To be the winner you were born to be, you need to plan to win, prepare to win, expect to win and then work with and develop others to become the winners they were born to be.

- Zig Ziglar

Your intelligence is measured by the grace you function with what you know.

- Kenneth Copeland

Never, Never, Never procrastinate, for each day has it’s own lot.
- Unknown

Keep doing what you can do while waiting.

Patience is being consistently constant.
- Kenneth Copland

It seems that anything gotten through patience causes lasting joy and happiness.

Osaze Ehizojie

Create a need; money will locate you. Money locates a need.

- Unknown

Look and be clear about what you won’t do.

- E:W Kenyon & Don Gossett

You can’t wait for the controversy to stop before you start marching forward.

- Unknown

You either serve customers or serve the people that serve customers

- Unknown

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone… Live at the edge.
- Unknown

Don’t settle… You get what you tolerate
- Antony Robins

Be willing to admit wrong because of your desire to grow and change.

Growth is a result of bad habits lost, wrong priorities changed, and new ways of taking embraced 

The people who do not grow are unwilling to leave what they have known and practiced. they are not willing to admit wrong so they can discover what is right. 
Therefore, they cling to right and their lives turn out wrong. How sad!!!

The surrender of begin right is a pre-requisite of finding right.
- John Maxwell

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